Southside's Blog

Southside is a loving, vigorous, and growing congregation in Shelbyville, Tennessee. Our vision is toward the future: Our Children, Our Ministry, and Our Outreach. Our goal is to embrace all people in our hearts and fellowship as we strive together to support Christ’s mission on earth.
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Upcoming Teaching from Tim Gunnells

It is a new year and I will be doing some Sermons and Bible Studies to help strengthen our faith and our walk with Jesus each day.

Starting this Sunday evening, I will begin a Bible study focusing on an overview of the Old Testament. This will last a few months. It is intended to help us understand God's big story and how we fit into it.

On Wednesday, January 17, I will begin a study in our auditorium class on Wednesday evenings on the Book of Daniel. There is a lot in Daniel that is valuable to both our understanding of the Old and New Testaments and how we should respond to the challenges of the culture.

Starting Sunday, January 21, I will begin a sermon series on Sunday mornings at 10 am from the Book of Colossians called:  Christ, Church, and the Christian. We will be looking at Christ's supremacy, the Church's importance, and how we should live as Christians in this world.

Please join us in person or online!

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