Is it ok to be disappointed with God. The short answer is yes. The “But” is coming. Some of the synonyms for disappointment are: dissatisfaction, disenchantment, frustration, failure and many more. Recently, it seems there are a number disappointments in the lives of a number of people I know. You pray for healing of those in the church bulletin but death comes. Prayer for those children whose parents should have never brought children into this world are put on hold. Divorce comes anyway. The new job does not happen.
If you have lived life, you have had disappointments, probably many. A disappointment with God carries a whole different meaning and comes in degrees from mild to extreme. If you are disappointed, tell Him. He already knows what’s in you heart. Ask Him to help you deal with it. Even Christ expressed disappointment from the cross when He asked God why He was forsaken.
You ask God for a blessing and He doesn’t produce what you ask for so disappointment sets in and may even consume you. Look for the good. As mentioned before, I’ve asked God for over seven years to cure my speech and to date he has said “my grace is sufficient”. The good is that I did not die and the very good is I’m not an invalid. For me there are things worse than death.
The “but” is when it consumes you to the point you want nothing to do with God and may even rail against Him. During the initial visit with a CASA young man and his foster father I asked if we could pray. The foster father said “yes, we need it” but the young said an emphatic “NO”. “God let my Nana die and that’s why I’m here. I want nothing to do with Him” . He stomped out of the room. He kept that attitude through the entire year we were involved. CASA is no longer involved with the young man but I learned recently that the young man’s mother had died from drugs. The foster father says his attitude is worse. Prayer for the young man has brought no change. Disappointment!
Some thoughts about disappointment:
From Max Lucado: “And disappointment is cured by revamped expectations. God is still in control. Life's mishaps and tragedies are not a reason to bail out.”
“When God doesn’t do what we want, it’s not easy. Never has been. Never will be. But faith is the conviction that God knows more than we do about this life, and he will get us through it. Remember, disappointment is caused by unmet expectations. And disappointment is cured by revamped expectations.”
“God is still in control. Life’s mishaps and tragedies are not a reason to bail out. They are simply a reason to sit tight. Next time you are disappointed, don’t panic. Don’t jump out. Don’t give up. Just be patient and let God remind you he’s still in control. It ain’t over till it’s over.”
From F. LaGard Smith: “Those who can’t live with Godly contentment in the here and now will miss out on the joys of even the there and then. Heaven itself would disappoint them!”
Mike This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thoughts from Max Lucado can be found on his website. Published with permission
Thoughts from F. LaGard Smith – Meeting God in Quiet Places – 1992 – Harvest House Publishers – published with permission